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I like to dabble in (rule-based) generative poetry. Currently these works are mostly in Dutch. Below is a list of my writings, followed by links to the individual poetry generators.



These poems were all based on books that have been archived at DBNL.

  • Toevallige haiku’s: I’ve written a script to automatically detect haikus in Dutch literature. I’ve described these haikus here. Code and generated book on GitHub.
  • Sonnettengenerator: A sonnet generator written in JavaScript, based on sentences extracted from Dutch prose. Link to poem. Description here. Code on GitHub.
  • Kleine vragen in de literatuur: A random, continuously updating poem written in JavaScript, based on sentences extracted from Dutch prose. Link to poem. Description here. Code on GitHub.

Greta Monach

I am currently working to reproduce earlier generative poetry written by Greta Monach. I have written about it here.

  • Automatergon: A reproduction of the poetry generator described in Monach’s book Compoëzie. You can find the generator here. Code on GitHub.
  • AutomatergonE: A variation on Automatergon where the words are based on English rather than Dutch orthography. You can find the generator here. Code on GitHub.